Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights Awareness.
Sexual reproductive health is an important aspect in the growth and development of young girls, however, its well-known that majority of the adolescent girls are not aware of their sexual reproductive health and rights including proper menstrual and personal hygiene management, therefore this has made them susceptible to various health related challenges such as unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, urinary tract infections which leads to dropping out of School and continued misery among girls.
It is also noted that majority of the women surfer consequences of poor health management resulting into escalation of diseases and emotional disorders caused by death of husbands, family neglect which greatly affect their well-being. WFHIU is at the fore front to implement interventions to enhance training about sexual reproductive health and rights, strengthening Primary health care awareness among the young girls to ensure that they are not affected by health related challenges during their school learning process and helping women to deal with physical and emotional health challenges that affect their well-being and productivity.